Join Our Calls to Action

Streets for All sends our Mailing List weekly calls to action, including ways to support projects, candidates, and meetings across LA . We also send out invites to our Monthly Happy hour and other fun events!


Volunteer with us

Lend us a hand with anything from door-knocking to GIS mapping. We'd love to hear how you want to contribute to a safer and more equitable Los Angeles. Volunteers get an invite to the Streets for All Slack and volunteer meet-ups.

Some of our projects fall into our specific skill based teams:

Organizing: Sneakers on the ground. Door knocking, canvassing, tabling events, educating.

Design/Visuals: Graphic design, street renderings, illustration, photography, merch, stickers.

Communications: Writing, copyediting, emails, social media.

Video: Preproduction, crew, post. Audio! Short form (tiktok) and longform (youtube).

Development: Web dev, API building and integration, projects are usually JS/React/python based.

Data/Research: Helping guide policy, GIS, general research, writing white papers.